- The Honorary Member should believe in Lord Shri Jagannath and should volunteer to serve Him selflessly and unconditionally
- The Honorary Member should undertake to pay his / her annual membership fees as determined by the Working Committee of the Mandir- society from time to time ( present fees being @Rs. 1500/- per annum) one time in order to continue his / her membership. The Honorary Member should financially support the Mandir.
- The Honorary Member is entitled to some facilities like Membership Certificate, T- Shirt ( for the promotion of the Mandir) and I-Card etc as determined by the Working Committee for better discharge of his/ her voluntary services . The Honorary Member is entitled to attend in all meetings of General Body but does not have right to vote / contest.
1 The Associate Member should believe in Lord Shri Jagannath and should volunteer to serve Him selflessly and unconditionally
2 The Associate Member should visit the Temple premiseses regularly and also on every special occasions like Rath Yatra, KartikPoornima etc. And other festivals when large number of devotees are expected , in order to offer his / her voluntary services to Lord shri Jagannath, as assigned to him / her by the Working Committee.
3 The Associate Member should do everything to maintatin and help to maintatin the purity and sanctity of the Temple and its premises
4 The Associate Member should help in maintaining cleanliness by offering his / her services in the Temple premeses.
5 The Associate Member should maintain absolute devotion and dedication to the Mandir and should not do such act or cause to act in a manner which will bring disrepute or disgrace to the Mandir.
6 The Associate Member shall desist himself / herself from anti Mandir activities
7 The Associate Member should undertake to pay his / her annual membership frees as determined by the Working Committee of the Mandir- society from time to time ( present fees being @Rs. 121/- per annum) ontimeinorder to continue his / her membership
8 The Associate Memebr is entitled to some facilities like Membership Certificate, T- Shirt ( for the promotion of the Mandir) and I-Card etc as determined by the Working Committee for better discharge of his/ her voluntary services . The Associate Member is entitled to attend in all meetings of General Body but does not have right to vote / contest.