Pahandi at Shri Jaganath Mandir, Tyagraj Nagar, New Delhi
Rath Yatra is the biggest event in the entire system of Shri Jagannath Culture. On the day of Rath Yatra mahotsav 2017, the Lord of Universe along with His Brother and Sister comes out of Shri Mandir to give Darshan to all His devotees. This is phenomenon in so far as Shri Jagannath Culture is concerned. After undertaking the Rath Yatra, as tradition goes, the Lord stays in His Aunt’s house, i.e. Shri Gundicha Mandir for nine days. Each of these nine days is eventful as the Lord is served a variety of food/sweets and also cultural programme daily for entertainment. On the tenth day the Lord returns to His abode (Shree Mandir), Called Bahuda Yatra.
The whole activities including rituals and cultural activities during these nine days at Shree Gundicha Mandir, Puri have special significance for Shri Jagannath Mandir at Thyagraj Nagar, Delhi, because the entire period of nine days is celebrated as ‘Rath Yatra Mahostav 2017’ promote Gurus and dancers of various classical dances like Odissi, Bharatanatyam, Kathak and Manipuri etc. Present their artistic skills of Choreography of various aspects of each classical form of dance on each of the colorful evening of Mahotsav. The attraction during the Mahostav is serving of various Odia dishes and sweets ( only vegetarians) and Odisha handicrafts since this is the 50th year of Rath Yatra, The Mahotsav is planned to be celebrated in a grand scale.
“Samarpan” as the word stands, is Surrender to Lord Shri Jagannath and in the context of Shri Jagannath Mandir, Thaygraj Nagar, its significance has special reference of all cultural.
On 1st and 2nd July, 2017 at Indoor stadium, Thaygraj Nagar programme held during Rath Yatra Mahotsav of this 50th year of Golden Jubilee ceremony from 25th Jun to 6th Jul, 2017.
On 1st July, Guru Ratikant Mohapatra and Mrs. Sujata Mohapatra and their team will present “Avahanam” in the grand stage of Thyagraj nagar Indoor Stadium and next day Ollywood famous Shri Kuna Tripathy and his team will present “Pratidhwani”, a programme of sound of music and dance of Odisha.